Emily Takes On Aiden & Victoria Season 3 Episode 2 Recap Hollywood Life

Looks like Aiden is infiltrating himself deeply onto Team Victoria because he was all about taking down Emily. Victoria was understandably confused about his sudden change of heart, but Aiden told her that Emily “betrayed me in a way you couldn’t imagine.” Aiden admitted he had worked with Emily and Nolan and dropped a hint about the connection between David Clarke and Emily. Victoria didn’t catch it, but she was still wary about Aiden’s intentions. If Aiden is actually playing Victoria, he is doing a great job. He legitimately sounds like he wants Emily to burn.
Forgive The Hamptonites, Father, For They Have Sinned
Until Daniel got a job in the city, Emily had to hand over her infinity box to Nolan. The next person up on her red Sharpie hit list? Paul Whitley (James LeGros), another partner of Conrad’s (Henry Czerny) who helped take down David Clarke. Paul turned to the church after the scandal to atone for his sins.
Emily and Daniel (Joshua Bowman) visited Paul’s church and she wanted him to preside over their wedding. Upon this revelation, Paul headed straight to the Graysons to let Victoria and Conrad know about the wedding news. Paul had no protest to it, but Victoria wanted him no where near the ceremony.
Meanwhile at The Stowaway, Charlotte (Christa B. Allen) helped babysit Carl for Jack (Nick Wechsler). Charlotte continued to lament Declan and faux-Amanda’s death. “How can such bad things happen to good people?” she asked. Oh Charlotte, you have no idea.
Emily and Daniel had dinner with Margot and Daniel was pretty desperate for a job. Emily ran into Charlotte, who was beyond angry that Emily told Victoria about her mom’s supposed affair. Emily blamed it on Ashley (poor girl) and she denied, denied, denied.
You Bake Some, You Lose Some
Apparently, Nolan (Gabriel Mann) got his chef status on while in prison. He baked up a batch of blueberry muffins that were regifted twice in just one day! Emily gave them to Victoria who gave them back to Nolan when she stopped by his new home. She basically just sniffed around and confirmed Aiden’s claim that Nolan was hiding something.
Meanwhile, Aiden broke into Emily’s house to find further proof for Victoria of Emily’s secrets. He couldn’t find the infinity box, so he took the next best thing. The deed to Nolan’s house with Emily’s name on it. He gave it to Victoria to prove they are working together. This will not end well. However, I have to believe that if Aiden was truly against Emily, he would have just told Victoria her true identity.
Emily confronted Jack while he was thinking about getting a new dog. Emily was worried about Charlotte and wanted his help. He questioned why she is OK with hurting innocent people like Charlotte just for the sake of revenge. He has a point, but without this major plot point there would be no show. Case closed.
Daniel was offered the publishing job with Margot and his first bonus was a stripped-down Margot. Viewers were left wondering whether or not Daniel took the very naked bait, but have no fear Daniel fans, he did not. Too bad Emily wouldn’t have cared otherwise.
Welcome To The Family
Victoria introduced Patrick to the rest of the Grayson family. Let’s just say, it wasn’t pretty. Patrick discovered that Victoria wasn’t always so lovey dovey toward her firstborn son and he wasn’t too happy about it. I can’t figure Patrick out. He seems so genuine, which obviously makes him fake. I need to know his hidden agenda!
Oh, and Emily managed to drug Conrad again without anyone noticing. Way to go, Ems.
Charlotte headed back to Jack’s and confessed that she blames herself for Declan’s death. Jack dropped the bomb to Charlotte that Conrad knew about the explosion at Grayson Global that killed Declan. Charlotte then proceeded to tell her father that he deserves to die. Don’t speak too soon, Charlotte.
Nolan tried to have a “come to Jesus” meeting with Emily about forgiveness, but she is not about that life. Nolan proved once again that he is a brother to Emily and even said he loved her. Aw! This was all for naught because Emily was determined to take down Father Paul.
And she did — brilliantly. During Father Paul’s service, Emily dropped major blackmail into the donation bowl. However, after a talk with Father Paul and the realization that he truly had atoned for his past sins, she started to rethink her revenge agenda. She saw herself in the children that Father Paul was helping and she tried to stop the blackmail from surfacing, but it was too late. Father Paul was fired anyway. Pull out the red Sharpie, Ems!
After a heart-to-heart with Conrad, who had suffered the wrath of Charlotte earlier, Emily realized she could fix the Father Paul situation. By saving Father Paul, she could use him to convince Conrad to confess to everything! Praise!
HollywoodLifers, what did you think about this week’s episode? Do you think Aiden is actually trying to take down Emily? Does Patrick have ulterior motives? Drop a comment and let us know!
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— Avery Thompson
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