John Mayer Confesses! I Loved Jen Aniston 'Completely' And Jessica Simpson Was Sexual 'Crack Coc

Would YOU ever date John Mayer after this tell-all interview he gave to Playboy? He spilled ALL the intimate details about his relationships with Jen and Jessica!
Wait ’til Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Aniston read this! Their ex-boyfriend (emphasis on ex) John Mayer tells Playboy in its March issue all about them — no holds barred.
For starters, John goes deep into his relationship with Jen, saying he was completely in love with her, and says breaking up with an American sweetheart was “akin to burning an American flag.”
John says, “I had a conversation about fame with Jen [Aniston] before we ever really stepped out in public. She said, ‘Do you understand what this entails?’ Two weeks later I had people outside my house. I was smart enough to know it would probably make me a salable item for the paparazzi.” Um, is trying to say he dated her for the paparazzi attention??
He even spills more of his intimate secrets with Jen, saying that after she heard the record Battle Studies Jen asked, “What’s that line? That’s not about me, is it?”
John calls Jen, “The most communicative, sweetest, kindest person. When people hear the record, I hope the songs make them think about their lives, not my life. Like, when you listen to Coldplay, do you think about Gwyneth Paltrow? I don’t write songs in order to stick it to my exes. I don’t release underground dis tracks.”
And THEN, after blabbing on and on about Jen, he says, “We just have a regard for each other’s feelings that is pretty intense. It’s been a deep relationship, and it’s no longer taking place at all. Have you ever loved somebody, loved her completely, but had to end the relationship for life reasons?
Then John moves on to another ex, Jessica Simpson! “That girl, for me, is a drug. And drugs aren’t good for you if you do lots of them. Yeah, that girl is like crack cocaine to me … Sexually it was crazy. That’s all I’ll say. It was like napalm, sexual napalm.”
John, can’t you EVER just keep your lips zipped?!
There’s much, much more there — so check it out on and in the March issue of Playboy on stands now!