Poor Kate Middleton, You're Skin & Bones! Are You Suffering From An Eating Disorder Like Princess Di

Listen, Kate, I bet this is worrying William. Just remember, his mother, Princess Diana, suffered from bulimia. The Andrew Morton biography, Diana: Her True Story (1992), revealed that she sought treatment for this debilitating disorder.
Diana admitted that she began a strict diet after she was criticized by the media for being “pudgy” — and that once she started dieting, she couldn’t stop. Then when her marriage to Prince Charles ran into trouble, her eating problems grew worse.
Diana lost so much weight between her engagement and marriage to Charles that she went from a 29-inch waist to a 23-inch waist!
Kate is reportedly on the Dukan diet, a recent fad diet that originated in France and is very similar to the Atkins diet.
So Kate, please — you’re beautiful — you don’t need to diet to show off you chest bones. Do yourself and your admirers everywhere a favor and enjoy eating!
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