Prince Took Percocet Because Of Agony Of Wearing Heels In Concert Hollywood Life

Publish date: 2024-06-05

Prince was a Jehovah’s Witness, something which was very important to him throughout his life. One of the firm tenants of that faith is that you are not allowed to get blood transfusions, which may have been a reason he would have used painkillers instead of opting for any minor surgery for his different ailments.

And after more than three decades of performing, he had some serious pain, some of it due to his appetite for high heels. “His hip bothered him from jumping off risers for 20 years,” his ex-girlfriend musician Sheila E. told PEOPLE. So it is no wonder he was suffering from injuries sustained because of a long and fruitful career. Wearing heels in every performance could have definitely taken a toll on his body, and been one of the many things that caused the pain in Prince’s hip as well. As any woman can tell you, dancing in heels is no easy feat!

Prince’s heels have always been a big source of pride for the star, and something he has become known for over the years. In 2009 the star was in need of a double hip replacement, and there was a lot of speculation that his heels caused the pain and issues with his hips. Although he did not undergo surgery, the pain continued throughout his life, and he still continued to strut in his high heels.

Either way, we’re hoping the toxicology report comes out clean. If his family and friends have anything to say about it, his cause of death definitely won’t have anything to do with drug use. Even more concerning is that TMZ is reporting that Prince has been suffering from a percocet addiction since 2009. Even more concerning is that prince allegedly suffered from a Percocet since 2009 addiction according to TMZ.

We don’t quite know the cause of death yet, but we do know that in his final days Prince was suffering from some kind of physical sickness. Hopefully the percocet didn’t contribute to his untimely demise, and that it was simply a remedy he used to cope with excruciating pain. At least he is now finally at peace.

Do you think Prince was secretly suffering from pain caused by years of performing, HollywoodLifers? Let us know what you think in the comments below!
