Top Antiperspirant Wipes (Review) for 2023 Hollywood Life Top Picks Hollywood Life

Publish date: 2024-05-23

What Are Antiperspirant Wipes?

Antiperspirant or anti-sweat wipes are towelettes that are designed for one-time use. They are formulated with antiperspirant active ingredients and a refreshing scent to clean off bacteria and odor from the skin. They’re perhaps a new alternative to traditional deodorants and antiperspirants in bottles and tubes.

Such wipes are also safe for use on the face, feet, hands, neck, chest, or groin, not just the underarms. They work by blocking sweat glands or pores on the skin’s outer layer. And when these glands are blocked, the amount of sweat that reaches the surface reduces. The aluminum salts in antiperspirants also minimize the odor from sweat by killing the smell-producing bacteria.

They come in varying antiperspirant properties and intensities and you can choose according to the intended area of use, your body’s sweat levels, and your activity levels.

These anti-sweat wipes can easily reach all the regular areas that a traditional antiperspirant cannot. This is super beneficial for people with hyperhidrosis or those who’re always on the go. These wipes come prescription-strength as well as over-the-counter.

The main ingredient in any good antiperspirant wipe is aluminum chlorohydrate or glycopyrronium tosylate.

Things to Consider When Buying Antiperspirant Wipes

You will need to keep the following considerations in mind:


The perfect size for you is determined by the intended use of the wipes. For instance, if you’re looking for antiperspirants for your underarms, you’d probably want them in a compact, portable form so they’re easy to access and use. Similarly, if you’d be replacing a shower with these wipes, you’d need to get a larger size so they cover more area at once. Try to always get them in a portable, easy packing so they come in handy on trips and camping, etc.


Always take a quick view of the ingredients list. Look for a product with all organic and natural ingredients. This is a “must check” factor for those who have allergy-prone or sensitive skin. Stay away from products that have phthalates, parabens, and sulfates as they can cause serious damage to your skin and health in the long run.

Antiperspirant properties

Antiperspirant properties can vary in deodorant wipes. Aluminum-free wipes are ideal for cleansing the skin and getting rid of odor-causing bacteria. However, they might not be as great at preventing or reducing sweat. Strenuous activity or naturally excessive sweating can only be controlled by antiperspirant wipes as they block sweat and resultantly the odor.

Benefits of Antiperspirant Wipes

Sweating is the body’s natural response and a mechanism to regulate temperature. And if sweat patches don’t embarrass you, the odor sure would. An antiperspirant deodorant or wipe prevents the smell and sweat altogether. Here are a few more benefits listed:

Antiperspirant Wipes vs Deodorant Wipes

Here are a few differences between deodorant and antiperspirant wipes:

Deodorant wipes

Deodorants are formulated to mask or control the odor associated with sweat. The antimicrobial agents present in a deodorant do not control sweat flow but only work to prevent body odor.

The sweat produced by the body doesn’t actually have a smell. The odor is actually a byproduct. The bacteria break down sweat in a warm and humid area of your body and this produces an odor. They are usually alcohol-based and they reduce smell simply by creating an unfavorable acidic environment for bacterial growth.

Antiperspirant wipes

Antiperspirant comes from two words explaining exactly what they do, “anti” and “perspirant”. These wipes are made with aluminum chloride and some other aluminum compounds that work to block the sweat ducts on the outer layer of skin. These sweat ducts are the openings of sweat glands.

They are ideal for people who sweat more than the normal amount or those who simply want to decrease the damp and wet feeling of sweat on the body. These products control sweat production which resultantly reduces the odor as well.


Antiperspirants can help you control sweat and body odor. They come in compact packs that are easy to carry along to the gym, games, or on trips and come in handy when you just need a quick shower for the day. However, you need to steer clear of a few harmful ingredients and take care of some other considerations when buying these wipes.

To help you choose the right set of ingredients and get the best product, we’ve put together a list of important factors to consider and all the things you must know about them. This guide recommends some of the top antiperspirant wipes in 2022 for you as well.
